I am Saskia

A 24 year old communication design student from Hamburg. I have already passed my intermediate exame with distinction and now aim for graduating in 2022.

I’ve kept my love for unusual and creative things from my childhood. However, now i express it through my creative work, more so than my fashion choices.


Basic skills in After Effects, Premiere and Cinema 4D

According to the internet, these are some good questions, to get to know somebody:

Where do you find inspiration?
Clearing my head on a long walk helps me find new inspiration, as it creates space for thoughts and observations without much direct distraction.
If money was no object, what would you do all day?
I would travel the world and take loads of classes to learn new things, such as languages, sports and creative skills.
A classic: What three thing would you take on a desert island?
Bubbles, a hammock and a lighter
What is your favorite smell?
Burnt matches and rain
is there anything you wished would come back into fashion?
Sequins and beads like in the golden 20's.

say hi

Saskia Neumann
